All the residential districts in Budapest - and their names

Jan 01 2023

Budapest has 23 districts (kerület or ker., in Hungarian). The districts are numbered, and many have official names. Each district can be associated with one or more neighborhoods named after former towns within Budapest.

On Hungarian maps and street signs, districts are marked with Roman numerals. Districts can also be identified by the two middle numbers of the four digit postal codes in Hungary. Click here to see Budapest's districts on a map.

1. District 1 (I) - Buda Castle District (Includes: Vár, Tabán, Krisztinaváros, southern Víziváros)

2. District 2 (II) - (Includes: Adyliget, Hűvösvölgy, Rózsadomb, northern Víziváros)

3. District 3 (III) - (Includes: Óbuda, Aquincum, Óbudai-sziget, Rómaifürdő)

4. District 4 (IV) - Újpest (Includes: Újpest, Megyer, Káposztásmegyer)

5. District 5 (V) - Downtown (Includes: Belváros, Lipótváros)

6. District 6 (VI) - Terézváros

7. District 7 (VII) - Erzsébetváros

8. District 8 (VIII) - Józsefváros

9. District 9 (IX) - Ferencváros

10. District 10 (X) - Kőbánya

11. District 11 (XI) - Újbuda (Includes: Gazdagrét, Gellért-hegy, Kelenföld, Lágymányos)

12. District 12 (XII) - Buda Hills (Includes: Farkasrét, János-hegy, Kútvölgy, Sas-hegy, Sváb-hegy, Széchenyi-hegy)

13. District 13 (XIII) - (Includes: Újlipótváros, Angyalföld, Vizafogó, Margit-sziget)

14. District 14 (XIV) - Zugló

15. District 15 (XV) - (Includes: Rákospalota, Pestújhely, Újpalota)

16. District 16 (XVI) - (Includes: Mátyásföld, Cinkota, Rákosszentmihály, Árpádföld)

17. District 17 (XVII) - Rákosmente (Includes: Rákosliget, Rákoshegy, Rákoskert)

18. District 18 (XVIII) - (Includes: Pestszentlőrinc, Pestszentimre)

19. District 19 (IXX) - Kispest

20. District 20 (XX) - Pesterzsébet

21. District 21 (XXI) - Csepel

22. District 22 (XXII) - (Includes: Budatétény, Nagytétény, Budafok)

23. District 23 (XXIII) - Soroksár

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