Discover the Symbolism of Hungarian Mythical Creatures in Budapest

Dec 14 2023

Hungarian mythology is rich with stories of mythical creatures that hold symbolic meaning. These creatures played an important role in the beliefs and legends of the Hungarian people. In this article, we will explore some of the most well-known mythical animals from Hungarian culture and uncover the symbolism behind them.

The Wonder Stag

The Wonder Stag is a legendary creature that is believed to have led the original Hungarian settlers to their perfect settlement. According to different versions of the legend, the Wonder Stag possesses unique characteristics, such as a thousand antlers with burning candles or celestial symbols on its body. This creature is symbolic of the starry sky and has connections to other Eurasian and North American Indian tribes.


The Turul is a mythological bird and one of the most significant national symbols of Hungary. It holds a close resemblance to a falcon and played a crucial role in the legend of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin. The Turul appeared in a vision to Emese, who was pregnant at the time, and later became a symbol of defense and commitment to the homeland. It was often used as a decorative element on monuments dedicated to fallen soldiers during World War II.

White Horse

Considered a sacred animal by ancient Hungarians, the white horse is featured in a legend about the conquest of Hungary. The messenger, Kusid, brought back favorable reports about the fertile land and pleasant landscape of Hungary, leading to Árpád and his generals claiming the land. This legend showcases the importance of the white horse as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

The Griffin

The Griffin is a mythical creature portrayed as a combination of a bird of prey and a lion. It is known for nesting on mountains or giant trees and being the enemy of the dragon. Hungarian folklore portrays the Griffin as a protective creature, and it appears in some versions of the legend of the White Horse. The Griffin symbolizes strength, protection, and the triumph of the hero in legends.


Hungarian mythology is filled with stories of mythical creatures that hold deep symbolic meaning. The Wonder Stag, Turul, White Horse, and Griffin are just a few examples of these creatures that have played significant roles in the beliefs and legends of the Hungarian people. Exploring these myths provides insight into the rich cultural heritage of Hungary.

Questions & Answers

What are the mythical creatures in Hungarian culture? Some well-known mythical creatures in Hungarian culture include the Wonder Stag, the Turul, the White Horse, and the Griffin.

What does the Wonder Stag symbolize? The Wonder Stag symbolizes the starry sky and is believed to have shown an area perfect for settlement to Hunor and Magor, the ancestors of Hungarians.

What is the Turul and what is its significance? The Turul is a mythological bird that is one of the most popular national symbols of Hungarians. It was believed to have shown a vision to Emese, who was pregnant at the time, and later played a prominent role in the legend of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin. It symbolizes commitment and the defense of the homeland.

Why is the white horse considered sacred in Hungarian mythology? The white horse is considered a sacred animal in Hungarian mythology. According to legend, when Hungarian nobles heard of a land with a great river and wealth, they sent a messenger who returned with a white horse and a gilded saddle. The white horse symbolized the beauty and fertility of the land they had discovered.

What role does the griffin play in Hungarian mythology? The griffin is a mythical creature that appears in various mythological stories of different nations. In Hungarian folklore, it is portrayed as a large, protective creature. The griffin is often depicted as an enemy of the dragon, and the hero of the legends protects the griffin's young from the dragon. In some versions of the tale of the White Horse, the griffin also appears.

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