Where can I find Indian spices in Budapest?

Dec 21 2022

Indian spices are not widely available in Hungary, and you may need to look in speciality stores or ethnic markets to find them.

Which speciality stores have Indian spices?

Kashmir Bazar Budapest (Népszínház u. 21, 1081)

Nelco Exotic Supermarket (Hunyadi tér 12, 1067)

Namaste India Budapest Store (Wesselényi u. 51, 1077)

Szép Kis India (Wesselényi u. 36, 1072)

Alternatives to Indian spices in Hungary

If you are unable to find Indian spices in Hungary, you may be able to substitute similar spices that are more readily available.

For example, you could use Hungarian paprika or chili powder in place of Indian chili powder, or you could use cumin seeds or ground cumin in place of Indian cumin.

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